I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
My Jolene
I dreamt that I was belting out this song on a stage next to an altar to Dionysus.
Go figure...
I always hated this song.
First, I take issue with the phrase "don't take my man".
Do we own men?
If a guy is dumb enough to dip his dipstick somewhere else, he doesn't deserve me.
That's it.
My "Jolene" was a bleach blond, brown eyed, actress whose name is similar to the singer of the song. All you have to do is take this singer's name, remove the 'M' and replace it with 'C' (as in Cunt) and you have the name of my 'Jolene'. You know that lady that called me for years to bitch about how my ex beats the crap out of her.
He left the flaming auburn chick with eyes of emerald green to run after a blond ten years older than I and ended up tormenting her. He often came back wanting to have sex with the redhead "hotter than his wife". That divorce is one expensive way to try to have an affair with me. That man is weird....still.... I love him at a distance; the further the better!
They justified their affair by saying I was in love with my high school sweetheart. To this day, they believe they freed me up to marry my friend from high school*.
Whatever clears my first hubby's conscience enough to sleep after screwing her...
*If you need an explanation....
I'm not going to give it. It would make my ex look incredibly stupid.
I will say that my 'jolene' called me several years after her marriage to my former partner to say that she was happy that I married my high school sweetheart and that she knew I never loved her husband. We should all be happy that things ended up they way they were meant to be.
I didn't know what to say.
I never did have the heart to correct my ex and his wife. They seem happy believing that story, so why mess with it?
Some people are so darn weird...
at least they each have a conscience.
I think I know why this is bugging me....
My "Jolene" shows up in my Facebook feed as a "suggested friend" or as "someone [I] may know."
If I were a friend, I would have helped her escape when he was abusing her. All I did was give her my word that I'd testify against him if she ever felt the need to get away.
That's it.
Her Facebook profile pic makes her look like she's been put through he!!. I was going to write "ridden hard and put away wet" but that would be tacky, huh? That's the phrase I usually use to express a thought that someone or something has not been taken care of but, in this case, there is probably too much truth to the statement to make it sound less than nasty.
The truth is that I should have done something different for her but, at the time, I was afraid she would chalk up my concern to jealousy.
So...I did the least I could do.
Funny...I had brown eyes when I met that particular ex. They turned green during the marriage.
Maybe there is something to that jealousy bit after all.
I always pray for "Jolene" and her daughter...that poor dear has put up with stuff I couldn't tolerate.
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