I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Little Dolls
I am an artist who comes from a long line of artists.
My mother, auntie, and grandmother were doll makers. They made cute little porcelain baby dolls.
I make scary dolls.
I'm working on a little guy named Jose. He's going into a handmade box with a mirror so that everything he does will be reflected back on him. If he's nice; people will be nice to him. If he keeps stealing money and hitting people, well...he'll either be broke or his bones will be broken.
Voodoo is not necessary in these cases. Thieves tend to associate with other thieves and have things stolen. People with chips on their shoulders tend to get them knocked off.
Today, I found myself pissed off at the antics of yet another judge stealing a child away from a mother without regard to the psychological, legal, or moral aspects of the situation. I saw it on a forum and tried explaining why what the judge did was wrong, very few people get it. They know what this person did was wrong, they just can't articulate the psychosocial aspects of the case well.
I worked as a victim's advocate for awhile. I hold an advanced degree in this area, I earned it when my ex was pulling the same crap with me. That knowledge helped me put a stop to his propensity to use the legal system to harass me.
I know a little something about what this official did and why it was wrong. Apparently, so does this judge: she has written several articles, describing what not to do in such cases, yet she did everything she wrote not to do in this case.
Why? One wonders if she wasn't bribed -or- blackmailed.
This judge obviously turned a blind eye to her own advice and is not behaving ethically with regard to this situation. Rather than get myself steamed, or write an article that will hurt the mother and child more if the judge and her cronies retaliate, I had another idea.
I decided to make another dolly and stick pins in its head in an effort to stimulate the judge's ability to think coherently and do the right thing for all three parties (the child, the father, and the mother) . What she did endangered the child and put undue stress on both mother and father. Let me try to explain what the judge did.
Here is the case in a nutshell: Dad was gone from child's life 95% of it after allegations of domestic violence. Ten years later he comes back wanting reduction in support and he walked out with sole custody while mom can't even see the child. No one said the mom was unfit. This guy probably wasn't prepared to be a dad so quickly as he was not slowly reintroduced to his son: this situation creates stress for dad, stress for mom, and an unsafe situation for the child. The judge did this the business day before Christmas, so this kid will needs years of psychotherapy and will probably come to hate Christmas as much as I do.
Again, based on the judge's writings when she wrote for legal websites, she knows better than to ignore allegations of abuse and steal a child away from one parent while turning him over to a complete stranger without a graduated visitation plan.
This doll's name is Julie. Her dress will be green, the color of fields.
While making Julie, it struck me that I could possibly make money selling my little dollies.
And I can do it in plain sight and no one will blink. No one will know whether or not they are spelled. The won't know if they've been cursed. They'll just know they were made by a local artist using recycled materials
It's fun being an disgusted pagan*.
P.S. I'm thinking about selling these to earn money to donate to the victim's legal fund. I'd best get crackin.
*who writes fiction
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