I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Scary Mommy
Why the hell can't people just freakin' behave?
Why the hell can't people with Ph.ds in education understand basic child developmental psychology?
I'm really tired of hearing about single mothers paying out fines because some dork muffin teacher thought their kid cussed and had a police officer write a ticket.
I'm tired of seeing children of color handcuffed and harassed because some administrator didn't like the way they were looking at them.
I'm tired of bullying admins harassing teachers in front of the kids and wondering where kids learn to disrespect their teachers.
Yep...I still research bullying in governmental jobs. It's worse in public schools than our local tax audit departments.
This is getting old.
Yesterday, an eleven year old girl was carted off to a holding facility because she ran to her locker to get something. She said it was a sweater but I'm wondering if it was something more important than that. She was confronted by a male admin who refused to let her go to her locker. When the girl said she didn't have time to deal with the admin, he called the cops.
The officers handcuffed the little girl. She was left with bruises. Mind you, if a parent had done something like that, the parent would face charges of child abuse.
Now...when I was eleven. I had girl issues. If I were bleeding and feared it was going to leak, I wouldn't have time for an ass. principal's bull either. I'd run to my locker and grab a pad. It never caused a stir.
I wouldn't feel comfortable discussing it with a man....not at that age. Crap, I don't think anyone I dated before getting married was ever privy to that kind private information. Young women like to keep things under wraps, if you know what I mean.
How do we know why the young lady was in a hurry to get to her locker?
I'm guessing it was a private issue....
Since when do overpaid morons get to call the police and waste taxpayer money carting off a child for trying to retrieve her belongings at school?
It wasn't five years ago, I was blogging about male security guards yanking girls out of the local high school bathroom during unannounced security sweeps. I was pissed. I was afraid of a young girl getting raped.
I called the school a gulag. The principal was gone the next year and the hall sweeps are now a thing of the past.
It's time to stop the crap.
Research shows that police officers at school undermine education and reduce moral (just Google it...justicepolicy.org).
I'm irritated.
I don't want to be an education activist again...but maybe...if I have to stay in this damn state, it is what I'm meant to do. Last time I was an activist, the idiots on the school board tried to bribe me. When that didn't work, they threatened my daughter.
Then they pissed off my ex-husband.
It didn't go so well for them. He's mean.
I'm funny. I found a way to freak with their test scores....and got the last laugh.
The public school admins will remember me if I get back into the activism game.
They used to snicker and call me The Scary Mommy.
Don't make me come back.
I had one school shut down. I'm such a freakin' stinker. They allowed a kid to break my daughter's front teeth. Shutting the school down was the least I could do.
My methods have matured now. I still has the same flaming red hair and evil grin. My eyes are greener and meaner. I have less money but more political connections.
Scary Mommy has different tricks up her sleeve now.
She'll take over the board and gut the funding.
I'm serious....don't piss me off. I still have the ability to sell sea water to a thirsty guy sailing a raft in the Pacific. What can I sell the politicians?
Do school officials want to press their luck? If I'm mad, there are thousands more outraged citizens standing beside me.
I'll see what I can do to get idiot boy assistant principal fired. Sometimes, it is just an issue of putting the idea out in the collective. I mean, how many people are looking for work right now? How many people are more qualified for that job? How many people have more patience and more education?
I think he can be let go.
I have noticed that he's had a lot of teachers putting comments on public forums during school hours.....wasting taxpayer money....hmmm.....that would be a great place to start.
Stupid man....
Be good now.
Love ya,
Edit 3/7/12 - I decided to reach out to the child's mother. The school officials are slandering her and the little girl. Maybe it would be best to stand strong behind her and validate her feelings.
I'm still irritated about all those stories I heard while knocking on doors during my campaign for office...I'm moving anyway. I can always move over a couple of miles and run for the school board.
I know the people on the school board here, they're good and caring souls. The one's on the other side of the city, well...they need some help.
I'm tempted...
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