Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fun and Frightening Visions

I don't know...

If I have another frightening vision pertaining to my friend, do I dare write about it or say anything? 

Will doing so give life to the negative? 

Or should I just light a candle and pray? 

I'll pray. 

I don't know.  The first dream led to death but when I asked how that situation occurs, I had the most fun dream about him. 

He's happy.  Something joyous happens but due to unforeseen circumstances, he has a bittersweet moment of loss. 

If I warn them...could they...not have this experience? 

I think I know when the loss occurs, the middle of March 2014. 

There is time. 

No one listens to me. 

I'll just pray for their health and happiness.

Maybe I should just write it down in my private dream journal, the one I kept when I started dreaming about him.  I stopped writing in it when I dreamt he walked with a cane after having an accident.

Then he came back into my life, broke his leg, and left me again.

If I think I can prevent him from suffering, I'll share.  If not, I won't.

This is what happens when I forget to take my sleeping pills.  I have nightmares.   I've been crying since 7:30 this morning. 

This is why I can't sleep alone without drugs. 

It sucks being psychic when there is no one to cuddle after dreaming of a funeral.




I realize what is going on...

I have these dreams and wake up with panic attacks. 

Then I down vodka and have another scary dream and wake up to down a sleeping pill. 

I average about two hours of sleep a night. 

Last night, I was lucky.  I had four. 

I woke up crying. 

I realized that I was afraid to go to sleep. 

I realized that I've become afraid of my own bed.

Crap, I'm afraid of my own house.

I told the man in the basement that I think I have a phobia of my bed and that I'm having incredibly painful panic attacks each and every night. 

I asked if I could take half the money out of the checking account and move into an apartment nearby. 

He said no. 

I'm supposed to stay. 

Damn....what do I do? 

This is a supernatural phenomenon.  The shrinks can't help me.  The valium doesn't stop the dreams.  The Xanax just makes me tired. 

It's time to go back to the coven. 

I'm heading out the door to visit with the witches.  

I pray they don't give me mugwort tea again.  Last time, I saw crap that came true immediately and ended up in the ER on a sunny day wearing embarassing lingerie.

I drank the tea.  Had a vision of a visit.  My world would fall apart when I saw the man. 

In the middle of the night, I awoke to see an apparition of the man in my bedroom.  I shrieked.  The guy in the basement ran upstairs and stayed with me so I wouldn't wake up the house.  It was 4:00 a.m.

I awoke to find an old friend had sent me an email at 4:00 a.m.  He would later prove to be the man in my dreams. 

The next day, my husband lost his job.  I learned money was missing.  He told me about some of the false assumptions I was living under.  He told me that he got me pregnant so I could never leave him (in front of his kids) and said I had to stay with him no matter what.   

The man came to visit.  I was unprepared for what I would feel on that day.

I left with vertigo. 

I barely made it home.  After two days of spinning around and throwing up, I was sent to the hospital after my auntie chewed my husband and I out for ignoring my health.  I was trying to host a birthday party.  That didn't go very well. 

The witches said vertigo is caused by being pulled in conflicting directions: to make it stop, I have to choose which direction to go.  I never chose.  I let the men choose for me. 

One guy pulled back.  The other guy demanded that I stay. 

I stayed because the lawyers told me to. 


The doctors couldn't cure me.  They just made it worse.  The more drugs I took, the more I slept.  The more I slept, the worse my vertigo.  It was only when the witches told me what was going on and did an aura cleansing for me that I felt better. 

Let's see what they have to say. 

I'll let you know. 

If anyone can prevent visions or help me understand why I'm seeing what I'm seeing.....they can. 


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