I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Looking for a New Love
I had that conversation with the man in the basement...yeah...that conversation....the I'm going crazy so I need a new hobby or I'm going to be a bad, bad girl conversation.
It's either going to be psych medication and therapy, or a new love.
So...after nearly four years of bawling my eyes out because I have nothing to sleep beside at night, I decided that I'm going to go looking for a bad boy tomorrow.
I've decided that they are the only things I can deal with right now.
I'm hitting all the guitar and pawn shops I can.
That's my best shot at getting lucky.
One can usually find a bad boy there.
You always know the one when you see him.
He will have very strong wood. Wood is very important to me.
I'm not sure if I want one I can plug in or not.
I was always partial to the those that seemed to be happier standing up than lying on their sides but alas, I'm so darn short it's hard to do have the most fun that way.
Fortunately, I'm creative and have been known to use a stool once in a while to reach those fun places. Thankfully, though, that's not usually necessary. There are always alternate means of getting the results I want.
In reality, all I really want is one that will make me sound good.
And, I think I'll wear one of my S & M outfits; I'll be donning a leather hat, leather thigh high boots, leather coat with chains and a black dress.
That outfit with my red hair will scare the men away. It always does. Maybe I'll paste little band-aids on my skin above my boots. Men are afraid of that. The bigger the bandage the faster they run.
It cracks me up.
Let's hope the salesman doesn't run before I pay for the instrument.
I'll let you know what I find.
Love ya,
Edit 2/8/12 - I had no luck. My car stalled so I didn't make it to any guitar shops... bummer :(
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