I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Psychopath Parade
I'm okay.
It struck me that I've had a twenty-plus year psychopath parade which started the day this guy and his family came into my life. I was fourteen and all these people have brought me is pain. A good chunk of the crazies I've met are connected to them in some fashion.
His family has been nothing less than crazy stalkish. Over the past five years, their antics have been well documented on this blog. They'd visit my places that I worked or volunteered, harass my academic advisers, lie to my landlords, wave guns in the faces of my neighbors, and spread gossip about me. I'm actually impressed that they left me alone during my political campaign. They probably have found a new target.
The people at the city knew him and he and his boss had something freaky going on. I've done a lot in this city my entire life and never had a problem until he pissed off his former boss; never been fined, never been harassed, never been threatened, nothing. The lawyers that were harassing me worked for his former boss. They were nice to me during my political campaign, even though I wasn't very demure about asserting that they were abusing the populace. I'll settle down in my attempts to educate them about dealing with social issues.
It has dawned on me that I'm probably not their target. Maybe if I leave this guy I can go back to living in peace and quiet.
I still can't place the stalker in Arvada but that guy showed up a couple of weeks after his family figured out where I worked. I have no clue who he is. The stalker got very brazen the day I met my high school sweetheart for lunch. In fact, it was two minutes after we said our good-byes that the guy approached me with a bizarre "Hi Satan!". I thought it was some kid playing a joke on me, so I smiled and ignored him. He was impossibly tall, with brown hair and a black leather jacket.
Things would go missing out of my office. I found pictures of myself strewn about the courtyard in the center of the community plaza. I realized it was him when other people in the office district were complaining about a tall man with a leather jacket going into private offices and asking personal questions about me. He wanted to know what I was doing, who I was with, what my religion was and so on. I didn't mind him too much until he started harassing the elderly woman who rented the office next to mine.
In retrospect, I wonder...could my ex have had something to do with that? He didn't like me working. He is incredibly jealous of my high school sweetheart. If it started within moments of visiting with him, maybe it was someone connected to my ex.
He did call me numerous times while I was at lunch that day. I never gave it too much thought until now.
I need to get the hell out of dodge. Having so many bizarre things happen without explanation is driving me crazy. I can't talk to him. I don't know what is going on. This is not an equal relationship and I'm terrified to leave the house without all hell breaking out.
If I leave it is going to have to be quick, like tearing off a band-aid. He freaks out when I talk about leaving in an orderly fashion.
Luckily, I have a plan.
I'm looking for a job as a live-in counselor for abused children....there are two group homes in the rural areas of my state. I am willing to move out of this state.
Wow..."move out of this state"...is that a hypnotic phrase or what?
Failing that, I need to find a job that expects me to travel constantly.
That really is the best solution. I can move, get away from the craziness, not be tempted to slap him, and earn money to support the family so they won't qualify for foodstamps anymore.
This morning I did learn to never to leave my computer with him after an argument. It won't boot up beyond a blue screen of death. Thankfully I have an older computer in my recording studio that I can use.
Maybe I should put together a resource for other woman stuck with emotionally abusive guys...someday.
Life is weird, especially when the blinders get ripped off of your skull.
Thanks for the prayers. I think they're working.
Love ya,
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