I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Curse
The veil is still thin and I'm hoping to carve out time to take flowers to the deceased soldiers today. I usually do that every November first but we got snowed out.
Today I'm doing artwork for a couple of albums, re-mixing some tracks, and wondering if I should rat out a sociopath. I probably won't rat out the loony. He'll lie and deny everything. No one will believe me until he screws them over, too. Besides I think he was being used by the universe to help me undo a mistake.
Oh, that reminds me, I did promise to tell you a secret.
Years ago, the sitting mayor pissed me off big time.
A city employee bribed my husband for $500; she made up a bunch of crap about him and promised that it would not impact his career if he paid the sum in cash.
After going to the bank and glaring at a clerk over money missing from an education account, my husband confessed. I went to the woman's boss...nothing. I went to the city attorney; who actually said this was standard practice (he turned out to be right).
To this day, they still have my $500.
They call them workplace fines but the money goes to the people levying the fine. My ex was fined for weird stuff. A lady wanting a promotion would claim he broke workplace rules but, according to his boss, no one else saw it. The lady used her accusations to claim that the sitting boss wasn't doing her job and got her fired so she could step in and take the job. I have met numerous people fined by this lady for things that could get the city sued. I have compiled their stories for a website I'll put up when the election is a distant memory.
Workplace fines are actually an illegal practice and one I'm poised to stop now! I've got three strategies for that but I'm staying mum until its done.
I wrote to the city manager and didn't hear a peep. I wrote to my councilmen at large (two of them later become my political opponents) and got nothing. So, I wrote to the mayor. Again, he was silent.
In exasperation, I wrote to every single council member and heard from the one dear lady who is known to answer every single email she gets. She told me that the mayor's office told everyone to ignore me!
That later inspired one of the most commented on campaign pledge of mine; I pledge to listen!
At this point, we were getting harassed big time. City vehicles were sitting outside the house. I had weird visits from the cops, code enforcement, and crazy calls from the city attorneys. I couldn't get a straight answer about how to license my business here. I documented my three years of hell in earlier blog entries but took them down after I was asked to run for office. I may put them back up.
So....being a pissed ancestor of a black magician, I did the one thing I could think to do. I dressed in black, wore a deceased ancestor's protection amulet, went down to city hall,
and I cursed the mayor.
I did, in all good conscience, cast a protection spell over the council, police and firefighters. It must have faded away because the council has had no end of problems in recent months with theft.
The Mayor's curse would remove the veil of secrecy of anything in which the mayor or his cronies knowingly hid information or lied about. I wanted transparency. I wanted him to answer to the people. The more the curse worked, the more the vegetation on the south-west side of the city building would thrive. Weird, I know...but tying the two things together would help me gauge whether or not it was working.
Anyone with the title of mayor would be impacted for the remainder of time unless I broke the spell. Breaking the spell is easy; the mayor had to hug me and I had drink a glass of water with him or her. At the time, I figured that I wasn't going to get near a nasty, filthy, lying critter to save my life so I thought that the curse was set in stone.
Within months, I ran into a group of people who worked to expose corruption in the city government and we decided to form a group.
The curse was in motion.
One day at the city building, Mr. Mayor pushed past me and I ended up with my side slammed into a door entry. I repeated the curse. One of the trees at the side of the building grew much larger than the rest and more information came to my cohorts and myself.
There was a day when I realized that magick had screwed up my life pretty badly. I swore off the whole spell-casting business. I wanted to undo the curse. The opportunity presented itself when I was pressured to run for the office of the man I cursed.
As of Tuesday, the curse was broken when the winner hugged me.
We are all free.
I'm wondering how in the hell this happened, whether or not this is coincidence or whether or not I can turn this into a fictional novel of some sort. I, personally, am having a hard time believing it.
Life is one big mystery, isn't it?
Love ya,
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