A Libertarian is a conservative who was mugged by the government. ~ anonymous
I have a government bully. She slanders. I think she stalks me based on things other people say (hence this blog and three others). She taxed my family several hundred dollars over a lie. She slandered my ex, he was blackballed and can't get a job because of it.
He won't talk to me anymore. He can't afford to divorce me so I'm stuck trying to fix the problem. Don't ask me how my heart feels about three years of loneliness because of some moron's lies and harassment. Without a marriage taking up all my time, I have plenty of time to play community activist.
The sick thing is that other people protect the bully. Her behavior has cost me over $65,500 in damages (not lost income but actual damages). If one were to calculate lost income w/ damages it would come to nearly $300,000.
The bully has no clue that her 'protectors' are sharing sensitive data about her with complete strangers. One of whom called me to tell me about it. I was nice and didn't divulge it to a company hired lawyer who was harassing me; the lawyer wouldn't promise to keep our conversation confidential, so I stayed mum.
I have ethics. It would be hypocritical to commit the same sin as she. The truth of the matter is that other people are violating her rights under federal law. She should document it and if they let her go, she's got 180 days to do something about it.
Today I learned that the company hired lawyer is trying a legal maneuver that will prevent me from suing her personally, suing her boss, and suing the people protecting her.
It won't work. They violated my civil rights on numerous occasions. All I have to do is find a zip drive that I left in an office on the other side of town and they are toast.
I've planned very carefully for the past three years. I have people poised to act. They broke many laws and it is hurting a lot of people, some of whom I've yet to meet.
If someone hits me with a big stick, I will do everything in my power to break that stick so no one else gets hurt.
Last week, I caught them in a lie. They destroyed evidence and that act may very well bankrupt me. I am more motivated to sue than ever before.
Don't make me do that. I hate courts. I don't like the smell of galangal.
I'm not the kind of person she wants to annoy because I will make her and her cohorts famous. I save everything, every picture, every recording, every email. Don't play with a redheaded woman who has OCD; don't send her weird messages telling her that she can't ask questions or communicate with any person who works in the local government (especially if she is running for mayor). Don't write to say she has to buy a business license in order to exercise her first amendment rights (especially if her business is in a city 45 miles away). Don't write to say she has PTSD. Don't lie about her relationship in court where there is a transcriptionist. Don't blame her for your decision to fire an employee you believe is hell bent on violence towards her. Don't write that she is obese, ugly, and old in online forums. Leave her alone because if she's thinking of you, she's probably scheming.
It is best to stay out of her sight and out of her mind.
I won't stop fighting for that policy shift; the aim is to take away the tools you used to destroy my family, my finances, my business, and my faith in the local government.
If I have to go to the state level, I will. Watch me!
I can easily circumvent the local circus but I'll need to pay the debt I incurred as a result of the defamation. That means that I may have to sue.
I've got the best team assembled to do justice. I've got a plan that those lawyers cannot play with no matter how slick they think they are.
You and your affiliates broke the law numerous times. You and your affiliates violated my civil rights numerous times. Your boss messed with my business. The person protecting you wouldn't allow me to ask questions about the law so I had my activist buddies do it for me. That alone has cost your employer dearly.
When will you learn?
It's already cost your employer millions of dollars in revenue. I research, scheme and fight unfair laws as a means to work off my disgust. I'm not done yet. I don't trust you anymore. You lie. Your lawyers play dirty pool. I can prove it.
Leave me alone, change your policies, or I will sue. Stop messing with me and maybe I'll find some other way to occupy my time outside of fighting injustice.
It hasn't been a year yet since I learned of the most recent defamation and it was spouted off again just a few weeks ago. And, sweetheart, the supreme court has ruled that third parties can sue for retaliation despite what any high priced lawyer says.
I am a citizen of this particular government. I pay taxes, so, it is my business.
I am, if anything, fair. You lawyer wanted to know if I ever wanted to say anything to you if I got the chance. Well, I would tell you this....take heed, play fair, document everything and consider getting an employment lawyer. If you play fair, you will find people who will testify on your behalf. Discrimination and wrongful termination are actually quite common where you are. I was shocked.
If you are keeping tabs on me online, you are well aware that I do research the topic of employer bullying due to the crud you and your employer put me through. People who worked with your employer say that the HR is known to bring a transfer employee in to spy on people they want to terminate. I was told that they dig up personal dirt and twist it so that they can fire people.
The system is sick, I just don't know how much of that was your doing or if the lawyers forced you to bully my ex and retaliate against me for bringing it to the attention of council.
Nice try...but seriously, stop it now and start helping me find a solution before the crap you, the lawyers and the lawmakers pull gets someone killed or bankrupts another family or small business owner. Let's put rules into place and stop this nonsense now.
No one is in the clear until I get a letter taking back everything that was said and the policy shifts so those dirty tricks (e.g. illegal fines/taxes, illegal quotas given on a discriminatory basis, accusations of a crime w/o reporting it to the police*, and gossip about medical conditions) cannot be used to terminate and blackball another employee ever again.
*Last year, the federal government put rules into place mandating this with certain occupations. It is only matter of time before it applies to local municipalities.
Read about it here:
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