Wednesday, February 16, 2011

On Fainting, Asthma, Stalkers & A Cover-up

Last Wednesday, I passed out because of asthma.

It almost happened again today. I was standing by the mirror in the living room and couldn't breathe, I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror and my lips were blue. I swear my skin had a greenish cast to it and....I got dizzy. My eyes started to everything could have looked bluish green.

I've had the flu for the past few days and am having trouble breathing...soo...I know what it is. I'm sure it's my asthma. I have never used my inhaler; it's like putting in contacts for the first time. It's contrary to one's natural tendencies.

Okay, I didn't pay attention when the doctor showed me how because I thought she misdiagnosed me. I was diagnosed with asthma in '04 after five years of passing out every time I hit the treadmill. I actually thought it was psychosomatic.

Also, if one passes out while running on a treadmill in a certain gym, wouldn't it stand to reason that avoiding those treadmills would solve the problem? It did for many years.

Oh well, I'll be better once I get over the flu.

On another note, I had to make some tough decisions's going to upset a few people but I've got to start taking care of myself. Three hours of sleep a day isn't working well for me. I've caught the flu twice in six months!!!

Oh, and 90% of this blog is fictional; it's designed to give someone something to talk about so she leaves other people I adore alone.

Of course, If I'd just find the funds to divorce the problem then all the gossips who annoy me will just melt away. The one at the city...the one in Thornton...the jerks who take what he says, twist it and spout it off in court hearings, in the newspaper forums, or to anyone who will listen.

I'd really like to know who told the lady at the city that stuff she said about me. It may make me nicer because I can focus on the source, not the person that was used to emotionally abuse me ...hint...hint...

But...just so you know...the sis-in-law with the gun thingy....that's real. That may just save an officer a few hours. I'm scared of her. Her initials are the same as mine, if it helps.

I'm afraid I'm going to turn up cold. If I do, it will be easy to investigate. The phone is registered to a man with my last name and the first name of a pig whose best friend was a spider. They live on 83rd. The parents wouldn't shoot, the daughter once menaced a neighbor with a gun. These people have threatened me for years. There is a box with some threatening messages and nasty letters in the garage. It's a white shirt box on the East side of the garage by the canning jars.

I suspect that my in-laws may have called the lady who is lying about me at the city because her lies are very similar to theirs (there does appear to be a projection or two on her part....but the stories are fairly similiar). I have no proof of that. I do know, however, that they visited with my former coworkers and professors trying to spread their garbage. I wouldn't put them past it to do it again with people Mike knew.

Still....government officials who make nearly six figures should know better than to be used as a means to spread lies about a citizen for the benefit of an abusive family. An apology would do a world of good. A policy change will keep me from making everything public.

Don't ever let an employee do that ever again. Someone could get killed. It might not be the spouse. I can't believe your employee is so fearless as to lie about a complete stranger. What if I were mentally unstable? or a gun-owner? or suicidal and wanted to die by cop? What if she were accurate in her assertion that her employee were violent? Who exactly did she put in danger?

I can't believe your HR manager is ignoring me! He needs to read what she said in those documents and put two and two together.

She also should visit the EAP and talk about the person who threw her into a wall. Someone was thrown into a wall was not me. When people lie like that it is usually a portrait of their own past. I'm sorry to have to say this so blatently...but it is what it is. If you care about this employee....Ask her!
Really ask her...if you do it with concern and in a safe environment, I bet you tears will form in her eyes.


I'm thinking about moving my business. I love that office in-laws found it, someone is following me when I go out with male colleagues or old friends, and the same person is running around calling me Satan. This is happened once before, too and it was with a group of people acting on behalf of my sister-in-law.
My in-laws and their friends rarely approach me. They usually approach third parties. That is what is happening now. The only time I was approached was when I parted from a friend and was waiting to cross the street. The man walked past and called me "Satan". A couple of weeks later, the same impossibly tall man was harassing other tenants in my office building, holding a picture of me, and wanting to know about my personal life.
Part of me is getting tired of cleaning up another person's bad work for next to nothing. I've probably said too much. I do too much work for free; which I guess is cool for being a demon and all...(just teasing).

And...the office reminds me of my high school sweetheart. I realized what that office was after I signed the lease. I'm sorry. If I worry about him, I send him negative energy...the best thing to do is to stop thinking....about know.

I'd move out of the city in which I live...but I've got to make sure I can find someone to take over my dastardly plan to educate the public as to the a couple of issues I've noticed in my research pertaining to the weirdness my ex and I endured.

Never, and I repeat, never....harass a complete stranger. You don't know what she's capable of doing. Seriously...this should be a given for anybody. Don't play with people because you might find someone willing to play a wilder version of the game with you.

Idiots.... I just wanted to know why they did what they did and I found [deleted - they don't need to know the hand I hold].

But, to tell the truth, I love it when karma actually works!

Love ya,


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