I finally received information pertaining to my estranged spouses employment with the city. It came in two padded manila envelopes and the stack of paper is a little over 4" deep.
The first manila envelope contained the unemployment hearing transcripts; you know, the ones that claimed he was fired because I had a master's degree, fibromyalgia, and what not.
The second manilla envelope contains sworn testimony from his supervisor that contains only two bizarre lies about me (thank you for cutting the number down, dear).
These lies are not nearly as embellished as the ones I that I saw in a recent legal filing.
So, it looks like the city attorneys are embellishing the lies, not the supervisor.
They may have her over a barrel though; I read her job description. She is not qualified to hold her position (as she does not hold a CPA). If she did, she would be in violation of a professional code of conduct.
Oh, but I can prove she lied a couple of times in a sworn statement (not good, sweetie - no job is worth jail time or risking a civil lawsuit). My ex only has ten days to sue them. If he decides not to do that, then after 2.5 years it will finally be my turn at bat!
I swing hard and have never missed.
Not once.
I used to have a reputation for taking on various school boards across the state (those were the good ol' days). This is nothing compared to taking on a bunch of crooked jerks who threaten to harm your daughter.
I won every time, too.
Ah...they've prepared me well for this.
I do, however, notice that this governmental department is breaking numerous laws and that the director is in violation of a professional code of conduct.
I have a call into a State Board to get a sense of what I can do about it. I'm also collecting names of CPA's who are complaining about the practice that they admit so freely in these papers.
As of now, I have a stack of papers pertaining to this issue that I estimate to be around 900 pages (including his original employment file, emails from people working at the city, and slanderous stuff about myself and my ex that I read on the Internet). It appears that one of the supervisor's lies was shared with a well-meaning local politician who tried to help me (but did not realize the employee was in error - no politician can help what does not exist).
I have to ask, though.... why? why lie about me? if your story against my ex was so iron clad why did you feel the need to say so many inaccurate things about his wife?
Have you realized that you really should be mindful of lying about strangers. One in ten people will fight you tooth and nail. The other nine will shy away but you never know who that tenth person is going to be...she may be a middle-aged, red-headed, Irish hypnotist who dabbles in politics and activism.
Sorry honey. Your boss made a horrific mistake in allowing you to target me and my family.
Have they realized what I'm planning to do with all those freakish emails that city bosses, lawyers, HR managers, and politicians sent to me to justify the bad behavior?
Just return my money, change your policy and we will call it even.
Otherwise....I'll see you on the other side of my next project.
Once I hire a lawyer, start paying for advertising, or accept the next interview offer....well... the deal will be sealed. I'll have to start talking and sharing so that I can prevent this from happening to anyone else in the future.
Please take care of it....soon.
Love and Light,
P.S. I won't even have to show my evidence to the world. Nope...I'm going to find other people to share their stories. I found one so far but, sadly, he's too intimated to talk. There will be others.
Fix this -or- I will.
I want peace. Peace will come when they play by the rules and make sure this bullying does not happen to another family again.
Disclaimer: The material on this blog may or may not be factual. I may or may not be a hypnotist. I may or may not be Irish. I may or may not be named Siegfred. The only way to know for sure whether or not this post is factual would be to ask the person who you believe wrote it. She may or may not deny it. She may or may not be trying to find where the gossip is coming from and whether or not taxpayer funds are being used to access it or collect information on politically active citizens. She may or may not be happily IP, time and location logging! Cheers! One way or another you will be caught.

I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ex Follies - Part 2
Today, I decided that I grew tired of arguments with stupid people. As someone who believes in the law of mental magnetism, I wondered what I did to draw so many dolts into my world.
I told Mike that I wanted to take a week away from him and the internet because I needed a "Dork Fast."
He only heard something about needing a dork fast and offered his services.
NO, I don't need a dork.
NO, I don't want a dork right now.
NO, you don't want me to run around calling you fast.
I need to get away from dorks! Hence - dork fast.
Get it?
Be good,
I'm torn between giving up my business and moving out or trying to stay and revive my business. Either way, I'm screwed. I'm going to need more money to solve this problem. Don't worry, I'll figure this out soon.
I told Mike that I wanted to take a week away from him and the internet because I needed a "Dork Fast."
He only heard something about needing a dork fast and offered his services.
NO, I don't need a dork.
NO, I don't want a dork right now.
NO, you don't want me to run around calling you fast.
I need to get away from dorks! Hence - dork fast.
Get it?
Be good,
I'm torn between giving up my business and moving out or trying to stay and revive my business. Either way, I'm screwed. I'm going to need more money to solve this problem. Don't worry, I'll figure this out soon.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Never, Ever Covertly Hypnotize Your Ex
I'm feeling incredibly guilty...
Two years ago, I accidentally hypnotized an ex to have more adventures....I was worried, he made it sound like he led a very mundane life. When he said he liked his motorbike, I egged him on to help him get out of the house. I told him to have more adventures and come back and tell me about them in two years.
Two years later, he had a very short lunch with me. He told me about his adventures and left. I drove home and tried not to laugh my @$$ off after I realized what went down.
I'm sorry....crap....
This ex is a Facebook friend.
How do I know this? Well, whenever he "likes" a page it comes across my feed.
Sometimes between the time I last logged in and now, he liked "skydiving".
Okay, now I'm getting a bit scared for him.
I'm seriously thinking about hiding his status feed before I start seeing him "like" pages such as
"Race Car Driving"
"Yacht Racing"
"Ice Climbing"
"Pissing off Red-headed Irish ex-girlfriends"
"Role playing as a Fender jazz bass (being slapped silly)"
"Conjuring Demons for Fun"
"Sleeping with starving wildebeests"
"Let's all Rub our bodies with Raw Meat and Go on an African Safari"
"Naked Bull Riding"
"Running with the Bulls - Naked..... with a very Red Sunburn"
"Bathing in vats of Hot Acid wearing only a hair net"
or something equally freaky and dangerous.
If this man has a death wish, I don't want to know about it.
Sure, I love him....but....if I worry about him, I'll send negative energy his way.
So, if you are the dude of concern, I am going to ask you to imagine yourself going home in health and peace before embarking on anything remotely risky. See yourself safe. Don't think about your lungs exploding or any other violent imagery you want to share with your squeamish ex.
Oh, and, if you find yourself in a room with fifty horny twenty-year-olds....imagine yourself as unstoppable and enjoy it!
I don't want to know about it.
I'm going to avoid Facebook for awhile.
Love ya...
P.S. I just realized why I have so many nightmares about you. You're a Scorpio. It all makes sense now.
Edit 9/12/10 - Okay, so I hid his feed so I wouldn't worry anymore. I tried to imagine visiting him when he is in his nineties thinking that, on some very stupid level, that this would tempt fate into letting him live longer.
So...all was well until I caught the news and saw a horrid fire in the county where I last heard he lived.
I spent one entire night lighting white candles and doing hyper-religious things that I probably shouldn't discuss hoping that things would take care of themselves with a minimum loss of life.
The next day I realized I was being incredibly stupid, so I checked my old friend's Facebook page to make sure no one was freaking out, offering condolences, or planning his funeral.
Thankfully, no that didn't happen. He did not appear to be impacted by the fire.
there was a tiny reference to an injury....a severe injury that that could occur in a horrid car crash. The same injury could also occur from a skydiving accident.
I felt horrid that I hadn't started praying for him sooner. I couldn't because I hid his feed and didn't know what had happened.
I un-hid his feed.
You know, I'm just going to pray he gets married off to the girl of his dreams. That is one sure fire way to keep men in line. Just try risky behavior without proper preparation as a married man; it isn't going to happen very easily. Your wife will sulk, she'll cry and he'll be too much a kind hearted soul to scare the crap out of the woman he loves.
See? It's all good when no one gets hurt.
If I knew many nice girls, I'd set him up with someone. I tend to hang out with politicians, and while most of them are good at screwing, I'm going to make a bet that it isn't in the way in which my dear friend likes.
But then, he lives in a blue state...maybe he's into that kind of thing.
Love ya dearly,
Two years ago, I accidentally hypnotized an ex to have more adventures....I was worried, he made it sound like he led a very mundane life. When he said he liked his motorbike, I egged him on to help him get out of the house. I told him to have more adventures and come back and tell me about them in two years.
Two years later, he had a very short lunch with me. He told me about his adventures and left. I drove home and tried not to laugh my @$$ off after I realized what went down.
I'm sorry....crap....
This ex is a Facebook friend.
- He goes!
- He goes scuba diving....super cool!
How do I know this? Well, whenever he "likes" a page it comes across my feed.
Sometimes between the time I last logged in and now, he liked "skydiving".
Okay, now I'm getting a bit scared for him.
I'm seriously thinking about hiding his status feed before I start seeing him "like" pages such as
"Race Car Driving"
"Yacht Racing"
"Ice Climbing"
"Pissing off Red-headed Irish ex-girlfriends"
"Role playing as a Fender jazz bass (being slapped silly)"
"Conjuring Demons for Fun"
"Sleeping with starving wildebeests"
"Let's all Rub our bodies with Raw Meat and Go on an African Safari"
"Naked Bull Riding"
"Running with the Bulls - Naked..... with a very Red Sunburn"
"Bathing in vats of Hot Acid wearing only a hair net"
or something equally freaky and dangerous.
If this man has a death wish, I don't want to know about it.
Sure, I love him....but....if I worry about him, I'll send negative energy his way.
So, if you are the dude of concern, I am going to ask you to imagine yourself going home in health and peace before embarking on anything remotely risky. See yourself safe. Don't think about your lungs exploding or any other violent imagery you want to share with your squeamish ex.
Oh, and, if you find yourself in a room with fifty horny twenty-year-olds....imagine yourself as unstoppable and enjoy it!
I don't want to know about it.
I'm going to avoid Facebook for awhile.
Love ya...
P.S. I just realized why I have so many nightmares about you. You're a Scorpio. It all makes sense now.
Edit 9/12/10 - Okay, so I hid his feed so I wouldn't worry anymore. I tried to imagine visiting him when he is in his nineties thinking that, on some very stupid level, that this would tempt fate into letting him live longer.
So...all was well until I caught the news and saw a horrid fire in the county where I last heard he lived.
I spent one entire night lighting white candles and doing hyper-religious things that I probably shouldn't discuss hoping that things would take care of themselves with a minimum loss of life.
The next day I realized I was being incredibly stupid, so I checked my old friend's Facebook page to make sure no one was freaking out, offering condolences, or planning his funeral.
Thankfully, no that didn't happen. He did not appear to be impacted by the fire.
there was a tiny reference to an injury....a severe injury that that could occur in a horrid car crash. The same injury could also occur from a skydiving accident.
I felt horrid that I hadn't started praying for him sooner. I couldn't because I hid his feed and didn't know what had happened.
I un-hid his feed.
You know, I'm just going to pray he gets married off to the girl of his dreams. That is one sure fire way to keep men in line. Just try risky behavior without proper preparation as a married man; it isn't going to happen very easily. Your wife will sulk, she'll cry and he'll be too much a kind hearted soul to scare the crap out of the woman he loves.
See? It's all good when no one gets hurt.
If I knew many nice girls, I'd set him up with someone. I tend to hang out with politicians, and while most of them are good at screwing, I'm going to make a bet that it isn't in the way in which my dear friend likes.
But then, he lives in a blue state...maybe he's into that kind of thing.
Love ya dearly,