Gebo: The Rune of Love and Friendship. Gebo reminds us that the bonds of true friendship are not easily broken.
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
- Walter Winchell
Twenty some years ago, when my first long term romance ended, I was heartbroken and felt like something that you'd wipe off on the doormat. It was a horrible time in my life. A few days prior to breaking up with my old friend, my family told me that it was time that I lived on my own. My parents had died a few years earlier and my bachelor uncle found that sharing his home with a 17 year old girl really cramped his lifestyle. I was alone, afraid and if it weren't for my wonderful friends I would probably had died of exposure to the cold.
My friend Jim found an apartment for me, right next to his. For several months, he made sure I made took the long two transfer bus ride to school every day. He and his partner helped me finish my homework. With their grace and support, I actually graduated on time.
Another dear friend knew exactly what to say to ease me out of my grief. She reminded me that leaving people who did not appreciate me gave me the opportunity to be myself. I'll never forget the day she said that she was thankful for my break-up because my ex had taken up so much of my time. She hugged me and exclaimed "We've got our Siegfred back!"
I miss her. I think of her whenever the winds of my life change.
I saw her on T.V. the other day featured in a news story about "indigent" and homeless people being abused by a local organization. It appears that the winds of her life changed, too. Honestly, I am a bit livid that my in-laws have known of her plight for over a year but because of family politics they refused to tell me (despite the fact that I've volunteered countless hours to help those in that specific situation). Again, I think of my friend and the opportunity my in-laws are giving me to reassess my personal relationships. Perhaps the winds of my life are about to change direction, again.
Anyhow, this is what I want my friends to know...
My friend Jim found an apartment for me, right next to his. For several months, he made sure I made took the long two transfer bus ride to school every day. He and his partner helped me finish my homework. With their grace and support, I actually graduated on time.
Another dear friend knew exactly what to say to ease me out of my grief. She reminded me that leaving people who did not appreciate me gave me the opportunity to be myself. I'll never forget the day she said that she was thankful for my break-up because my ex had taken up so much of my time. She hugged me and exclaimed "We've got our Siegfred back!"
I miss her. I think of her whenever the winds of my life change.
I saw her on T.V. the other day featured in a news story about "indigent" and homeless people being abused by a local organization. It appears that the winds of her life changed, too. Honestly, I am a bit livid that my in-laws have known of her plight for over a year but because of family politics they refused to tell me (despite the fact that I've volunteered countless hours to help those in that specific situation). Again, I think of my friend and the opportunity my in-laws are giving me to reassess my personal relationships. Perhaps the winds of my life are about to change direction, again.
Anyhow, this is what I want my friends to know...
My dear friends, new and old, so long as I breathe you do not have to be hungry, homeless, or alone. Mi casa es su casa. I care. You matter. Besides, what good are the best things in life if they cannot be shared with those who touch your life?
- and-
True friendship knows know boundary of time nor distance.
The next time you see a homeless person, remember that person has a family, has friends, has a name, has hopes, has dreams, has unique talents, and may be the one person who could solve a social problem if given half a chance. We are all pieces of a universal puzzle: a picture that will never be complete so long as all the pieces are not allowed to fall into place.
Important Links: If helping those falling on hard times is important to you during this holiday season, please consider contributing time or money to the following organizations.
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless : this premier organization offers a comprehensive website and offers real support and advice for individuals finding themselves in this situation.
Charg Resource Center : Charg Resource Center offers people with mental illness mental health treatment, support and empowerment. They do wonderful work with the homeless population in Denver, Colorado.
Urban Peak : This organization offers help and support to homeless youth in the Denver Metro Area and Colorado Springs.
Denver Rescue Mission: This organization does so much for the community, it would be impossible to list everything. Visit the website. Their work is impressive.
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