I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Monday, November 19, 2007
My Muse
They say you never get over your first love. I don't know about that. Mine was a nice guy (unless he was with me). I inspired him into madness, weirdness, and things that I don't quite understand.
It's hard to forget mine. He was beautiful, I thought he resembled Michelangelo's Statue of David.
When we broke up, I went to live with my Grandfather. A kind and thoughtful Aunt actually bought a huge bust resembling Michelangelo's sculpture for my room because she knew I liked it.
That thing drove me nuts. I could never move it, so I ended up throwing dirty laundry on it so I could fall asleep. That didn't help me forget him.
My first love was also a character. They say that he became well known for his fashion sense his senior year of high school (it was the eighties, heck, we were all weird). I don't know whether that is true. I do know that it's hard to forget someone that everyone else keeps bringing up.
I do know that my spouse and I had a nice little tiff over him some years ago. I was on my way home from the hospital and our day old daughter was in the back seat. We saw an impossibly beautiful man wearing a unique outfit crossing the street and my husband remarked.
"You went to school with him."
Really? I asked.
Yeah, he said before invoking the name that shall never be spoken.
I turned on him like a rabid dog. I simply remember asking him if he liked being married to me and liked having a daughter. Of course he said yeah. I can be scary when I'm irritated, cranky, and in need of rest.
I reminded him that the man he invoked did the equivalent of pushing me out of the way of a speeding train (and he did, too). I'd be dead if he didn't know me. I remember growling "You will never speak ill of him again and you will thank him if you ever see him, got it"!!
Well, fast forward several years and our world has fallen apart.
Now, every time I break up with a man I have to process my previous break-ups. Thankfully, I've only had two. So, now facing a potential break-up, I'm thinking about the two men from my past and how things get so screwed up.
The problem is that I still care for them.
This time it's worse. There are nightmares. I'm finding relics of the past that I've got to get rid of. I'm running into old friends. I'm remembering too much and somehow it's probably good for me.
I'm thinking that I should learn to sing or pick up the guitar. Perhaps, I can use this emotional turmoil to create something that is helpful for someone else.
But one really nice thing has come from all this emotion. My husband has realized that I would never allow anyone to badmouth him.
That's right!!
How dare anyone criticize my choice of associates, past or present?
They helped me be the person that I am today.
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