I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Siegfred's Christmas Wish

Nuts and chocolate, what more can a girl want?
Oh, maybe something else to suck on, too....

May your hunger for sweets be satisfied this holiday season,
Edit: 12/20/09
I just saw a picture of my mid-life crisis crush in a bunny costume and broke out into this song....
It goes a lil' somethin' like this.
"The bunny, the bunny.....oooh, I love the bunny....
I didn't eat my salad or my bread.....just the bunny...(followed by the sound of evil laughter)!"
Guess what that poor soul is going to he's going to hear next time I run into him?! He is sooo lucky I can't leave a comment!
Edit Christmas '11: Okay universe, when I said I wanted nuts, I didn't mean crazy people...
when I wanted something to suck on, I didn't want to be played for a sucker.
Thought I should clarify that thought.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Fluffy Bunny Activism
There are certain causes that deserve the fluffy bunny approach -
ending hunger by donating to food banks,
helping others feel good about themselves by donating services and goods to the shelters,
and donating toys to Toys For Tots,
When I'm asked to do those things, I can be a fluffy bunny.
Now, when someone tells me to play nice with a bunch of politicians who are known liars,
when I'm asked to do those things, this is the only kind of fluffy bunny I can be.
Giving favors to people who are corrupt would make me the kind of fluff bunny that they use in the porn industry. Besides, I'm not into rewarding bad behavior.
ending hunger by donating to food banks,
helping others feel good about themselves by donating services and goods to the shelters,
and donating toys to Toys For Tots,
When I'm asked to do those things, I can be a fluffy bunny.
Now, when someone tells me to play nice with a bunch of politicians who are known liars,
when I'm asked to do those things, this is the only kind of fluffy bunny I can be.
Giving favors to people who are corrupt would make me the kind of fluff bunny that they use in the porn industry. Besides, I'm not into rewarding bad behavior.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
An Honest Political Quote
"Politics gives guys so much power that they tend to behave badly around women. And I hope I never get into that."
–Bill Clinton,
to a woman friend while he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Siegfred Catharsis...
If you come to my door and hear
this bass line,
this tenor sax solo,
or a soprano voice singing these lyrics with a few keyboard strokes....
It means I am still pissed.
Watch out!
When a Problem Comes Along - Whip It
I'm in an incredibly bad mood.
This rivals my legendary PMS attack of '89 when I beat the crap out of two drug dealers who pummeled my baby sister in front of a child. That was bad. I smacked those unfeeling nut-jobs silly, kicked them in the crotches and had to have my gay friends pull me off the a$$holes.
My hope is that they felt the bruises when they came down off their high.
I cursed them verbally. Back in the day, I knew nothing of magick yet I wished they would stop annoying the crap out of people in the neighborhood. My wish came true. One man was shot dead within a few months because he was caught in a drug deal gone wrong. The other went to prison for, what he claims, was a murder he didn't commit. Don't think too much of his claim, all men in prison say that!
Still, my current anger rivals the anger I felt that sunny April day.
Some moron wants me to stay with him and swear off talking to other men. In a nutshell, we are stuck in a spiraling negative conversation akin to...
1.We have a problem of a financial nature.
2.He can't solve the problem.
3.He has to solve the problem because he's a man.
4.I cannot solve the problem because I am a woman.
5.If I try to solve the problem, he's going to interfere because
I am a woman.
Go to point three and repeat....Divorce is infinitely cheaper than dealing with stupidity.
Sigh....Yes, stupid men crack me up to the point of needing medication. Can't ya tell?
I'd be okay if it were one stupid man. It seems that today I have the talent for lowering the IQ of every male I speak to by 50 points.
I've had recent correspondence with a city councilman. It appears that they're trying to come up with 90 million dollars to pay a developer to build here, so they're shutting down libraries and such. Yeah, this is the super short version but even after considering the arguments of the city, one will realize that this is the truth of what is going on.
The City Council is robbing the poor (and middle class) to give to the rich.
They're also letting developers tax people. Let me briefly explain, in this city there is a new custom of allowing the developers get to add on a .5% tax (or mandatory fee) to any sale. The total amount, including the .5% PIF tax is then taxed by the City.
The sick part of this tax/fee is that few people know about it.
This tax is insane. It hurts the poor. The poor are getting screwed in this economy, especially with the new and unfair fees the City has put into place. This is a custom that needs to die a quick death before it becomes permanently engraved in the culture.
Stupid taxes (even those called fees) hurt the poor more than the wealthy. I'm pissed. I'm going to take this public - I don't know how just yet but, trust me, the perfect avenue usually prevents itself. This City Councilman defended this city's nickel and diming of the poor. I'm sorry. He seems like a good man caught up in groupthink stupidity. Just 'cuz the other city councilmen support raping the citizenry, doesn't make it right.
He's not the only brilliant mind caught up in groupthink.
I brought this issue up to the local tax activism group. They don't want to deal with it because the politician members think that the public is uninformed and unable to be educated. In fact, if I understood correctly, members of the group were to stay silent on the issue.
Stupid taxes (even those called fees) hurt the poor more than the wealthy. I'm pissed. I'm going to take this public - I don't know how just yet but, trust me, the perfect avenue usually prevents itself. This City Councilman defended this city's nickel and diming of the poor. I'm sorry. He seems like a good man caught up in groupthink stupidity. Just 'cuz the other city councilmen support raping the citizenry, doesn't make it right.
He's not the only brilliant mind caught up in groupthink.
I brought this issue up to the local tax activism group. They don't want to deal with it because the politician members think that the public is uninformed and unable to be educated. In fact, if I understood correctly, members of the group were to stay silent on the issue.
Hmmm....I think someone bought off one of the politicians in the group. It's just a gut feeling. I could be wrong. I don't know.
I do know that politicians temper their language and speech to win favors from others. Activists and advocates create awareness about problems and push for solutions. I'm not a politician...I'm an advocate. I can't stay silent about an injustice that will only continue to grow.
I'm done with that group. If they're too scared to educate the public....they can shake in their boots by themselves. To be quite honest, one of the more prominent members is fond of saying that women are emotional. That is not true, only 60% of women respond to emotional appeals; 55% of men do, too. Sexism is probably one reason why you don't see many women among their ranks.
I'm done with that group. If they're too scared to educate the public....they can shake in their boots by themselves. To be quite honest, one of the more prominent members is fond of saying that women are emotional. That is not true, only 60% of women respond to emotional appeals; 55% of men do, too. Sexism is probably one reason why you don't see many women among their ranks.
Traditionally, women are the ones who have to deal with most of society's problems (we take the lower paying jobs, we do most of the child care, we provide most of the volunteer labor, we care take for the elderly, and we pay a higher percentage of our income in taxes then men). If we are emotional, dude, it is because we get less sleep than you do!
I'll let the stupid men ignore the real problems. It's all about introducing ideas into the collective...nothing more...nothing less. Education creates awareness and awareness is the first step to reducing resistance to change!
Ah, but I'm not a politician. I'm an advocate. That is the problem, isn't it? We come from two very different world views.
I guess a politician's spots never change....
it's about marketing rather than ideology or serving the people.
I have no time for such horse sh!t and wish them the best of luck marketing their crap!
Mark my words, people who hurl poo indiscriminately and those who support those who fling it tend to slip up in it and get a tad bit smelly!
Babes, I am NOT doing your laundry!
Good luck with that!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Fake Out
Visiting the local salon a few weeks ago, I discovered a multitude of interesting products; such as false nails, false eyelashes, silicon make-up, wrinkle filler (face spackle), bra inserts, novelty contact lenses, hair straighteners...the list goes on and on...
So, I had my hair straightened. I walked out of that place sporting silicon make-up and glued on eye-lashes.
I bought a top stuffer and had a huge rack.
It was fun! No one recognized me! Upon arriving home, I was mistaken for my twenty-year old daughter! That felt weird.
I decided to go out and party. A little attention can do an old lady a world of good.
Then, on the way to the party do you want to know what happened?
It started to snow!
Upon arrival at my destination, I found that my hair regained its curl and my eyelashes started to run. My make-up melted off. My bra slipped and my "boobs" were lop-sided!
I looked like hell.
Well, I wanted attention.....uh....just not that kind of attention!
Oh, and people did recognize my curly red-hair and messed up make-up! That was a tad bit embarrassing.
I learned my lesson!
I don't know....
I do know that lop-sided fake boobs, well, don't seem to turn them on as much.
So, I had my hair straightened. I walked out of that place sporting silicon make-up and glued on eye-lashes.
I bought a top stuffer and had a huge rack.
It was fun! No one recognized me! Upon arriving home, I was mistaken for my twenty-year old daughter! That felt weird.
I decided to go out and party. A little attention can do an old lady a world of good.
Then, on the way to the party do you want to know what happened?
It started to snow!
Upon arrival at my destination, I found that my hair regained its curl and my eyelashes started to run. My make-up melted off. My bra slipped and my "boobs" were lop-sided!
I looked like hell.
Well, I wanted attention.....uh....just not that kind of attention!
Oh, and people did recognize my curly red-hair and messed up make-up! That was a tad bit embarrassing.
I learned my lesson!
Fakers never prosper.
Oh, there is one little tiny thing I learned that day, too. Men are turned on by smeared mascara and messy hair. I don't get it but they do seem to like that - maybe it reminds them of waking up after a night of hot, steamy hugging. I don't know....
I do know that lop-sided fake boobs, well, don't seem to turn them on as much.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Bizzare Hypnopompic Dream
Hypnopompia refers to the altered state of consciousness that occurs shortly after awakening while one is beginning to return to waking consciousness.
It is said that many precognitive dreams occur during this state.
Today, I had a vision, so to speak. A scene played out in front of my open eyes. I pray there is nothing to it but last time this happened, I saw police officers in mourning.
Sadly, several police officers were murdered that day.
This time, I'll share what I see. Maybe if I tell someone, nothing will happen.
Upon opening up my eyes I saw revolutionary soldiers, dressed in blue, digging their own graves.
Let's hope there is nothing to this. Subconsciously I must be worried about our the sovereignty of the United States. If you're a patriot, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, or Militia Member....be careful*.
I pray that Obama does not sign the Copenhagen treaty.
In any event, I'll be watching the news with keen interest at several points today. Something strange is in the wind.
* The dream could refer to someone I recently met. It is a funny but sad story.
I did meet one incredibly naive third party political candidate last week. I know his campaign will unveil his naivety and embarrass his entire party. I'm going to try like heck to get this guy research to prove that he is looking at something the wrong way.
So far, I'm failing in my attempts at education. I only have a undergraduate degree in social science, experience working with crime victims at the DA's office, a stint as a volunteer social worker, and hold a master's degree in psychology. He may not think I know what I'm talking about. The best education, though, may not come through journals and books.
There are good hearted people who fail to understand psychopathology and assume that every criminal who claims innocence is indeed innocent. They assume that everyone is upfront and honest. That isn't true.
So, I tried to tell him a story. I told him of my time living in downtown Denver.
When I tell people the truth of my upbringing. They stare at me in disbelief. I was an orphan. The court handed my sister and I to a relative who wanted to collect the government social security stipend but not care for us.
My sister and I ended up on the street. We lost touch. Luckily, fate brought amazing people into my life who would not let me fail. Some of these people were individuals of ill repute, homeless people, other orphans, even a couple of criminals who had no where else to go.
In those years, I met my fair share of psychopaths. Two made my life a living hell before they were arrested. These people could literally beat the crap out of anyone and look calm as heck while the police arrive. Psychopaths are back-stabbing, lying, abusive @$$holes who can rip you off, beat you to shreds and make it look like they are the victims.
Things are not always as they appear. To illustrate this point, one man recently murdered four cops up in Washington State. He had a fairly long rap sheet. It appeared that Governor Mike Huckabee had pardoned him from a 108 year prison sentence.
Voters, where ever you are, please take my advice
Thanks Tom. Thanks Jim. I never would have finished high school without you. Where would I have been without your support? I shudder to think about that.
May your kindness be returned a thousand-fold. You guys are great!
Love ya,
It is said that many precognitive dreams occur during this state.
Today, I had a vision, so to speak. A scene played out in front of my open eyes. I pray there is nothing to it but last time this happened, I saw police officers in mourning.
Sadly, several police officers were murdered that day.
This time, I'll share what I see. Maybe if I tell someone, nothing will happen.
Upon opening up my eyes I saw revolutionary soldiers, dressed in blue, digging their own graves.
Let's hope there is nothing to this. Subconsciously I must be worried about our the sovereignty of the United States. If you're a patriot, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, or Militia Member....be careful*.
I pray that Obama does not sign the Copenhagen treaty.
In any event, I'll be watching the news with keen interest at several points today. Something strange is in the wind.
* The dream could refer to someone I recently met. It is a funny but sad story.
I did meet one incredibly naive third party political candidate last week. I know his campaign will unveil his naivety and embarrass his entire party. I'm going to try like heck to get this guy research to prove that he is looking at something the wrong way.
So far, I'm failing in my attempts at education. I only have a undergraduate degree in social science, experience working with crime victims at the DA's office, a stint as a volunteer social worker, and hold a master's degree in psychology. He may not think I know what I'm talking about. The best education, though, may not come through journals and books.
There are good hearted people who fail to understand psychopathology and assume that every criminal who claims innocence is indeed innocent. They assume that everyone is upfront and honest. That isn't true.
So, I tried to tell him a story. I told him of my time living in downtown Denver.
When I tell people the truth of my upbringing. They stare at me in disbelief. I was an orphan. The court handed my sister and I to a relative who wanted to collect the government social security stipend but not care for us.
My sister and I ended up on the street. We lost touch. Luckily, fate brought amazing people into my life who would not let me fail. Some of these people were individuals of ill repute, homeless people, other orphans, even a couple of criminals who had no where else to go.
In those years, I met my fair share of psychopaths. Two made my life a living hell before they were arrested. These people could literally beat the crap out of anyone and look calm as heck while the police arrive. Psychopaths are back-stabbing, lying, abusive @$$holes who can rip you off, beat you to shreds and make it look like they are the victims.
Things are not always as they appear. To illustrate this point, one man recently murdered four cops up in Washington State. He had a fairly long rap sheet. It appeared that Governor Mike Huckabee had pardoned him from a 108 year prison sentence.
Voters, where ever you are, please take my advice
Trust me, there are politicians who have the gall to make such a bizarre and short-sighted assertion. How do you tell someone with a posh middle-class background, who hasn't had to visit a homeless shelter, that things are not always as they appear? How do you explain mental illness and the desperation of poverty to a well-to-do individual with no background in social work, criminal justice, or psychology?
Money can be a curse in that it blinds you to the real world. Adversity can be a blessing in that you learn to see more of the harshness and the beauty of the world.
Before ending this I must say that after my parents died, I met my fair share of angels, too.Thanks Tom. Thanks Jim. I never would have finished high school without you. Where would I have been without your support? I shudder to think about that.
May your kindness be returned a thousand-fold. You guys are great!
Love ya,