I like police officers.
I like firemen.
I don't like many lawyers.
So, if the local city lawyers are going to send the cops to my door when I challenge them, I guess I may as well set up a camera, learn to make decent coffee and stock my home with donuts that do not come from a health food store. They taste like sawdust, it's insulting to offer anyone such food.
The truth is I've actually never seen a cop eat a donut....have you? I wonder where that stereotype comes from?
I guess it is high time that I grew a couple of manners and tried to be polite.
Oh, if the city fires the officers for gaining weight...I hope they call me. I know a couple of the good lawyers. Same goes for anyone working where I live who is fired for a health issue.
This old lady has seen, read and heard enough. Apparently that 5 minutes worth of diversity training and legal compliance to certain health related federal laws is not doing the city employees very much good. I hope that changes soon.
Love ya,
Scheming S.

I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
City Lawyers, City Cars, and EMDR
Why is it that within 24 hours of receiving communications about a certain municipal attorney's office, a police officer visits my home?
I think I may have PTSD. Upon seeing the police car in front of my house, I immediately went into trance actually felt a little freaked out and scared. All I could do is think about a phone call with a lawyer that took place three years ago, the one that started this whole mess I'm in. I also thought about the time I awoke to officers shining flashlights into my windows at 2:00 am, just hours after receiving a letter from the Colorado Supreme Court advising us to sue the abusive lawyer who called and threatened me.
Between the summer 2008 and the fall of 2010, it was not uncommon to see city cars sitting outside of my home. In 2010, I complained to a police dispatcher and to a lawmaker, it stopped almost overnight. The sight of the cars outside my home usually made me feel scared because they started shortly after the lawyer called me. With the exception of the time the paralegal harassed me to sign for documents, I never knew why they were there. The city cars creeped my daughter out so much, she moved out of the house.
I'm trying to document today's story, just in case it comes up again. The officer was very professional. I will assume that he was an officer because the car was a city car with peeling paint. All the city cars look like that now. I think it is part of the current lawmakers need to beg for more money by claiming poverty.
People generally like police officers and firefighters because they're the ones rushing into the burning buildings and other scary scenes that other people rush away from; if politicians cut the funding in public safety, people will usually pony up more dough.
As I told the firefighters last year, people will always take care of public servants who take care of them. Last year,people were wary of tax hikes, some cities voted in tax increases for fire departments. Tax restriction attempts failed, I believe, solely because people respect the firefighters and police officers.
Never, ever disrespect those people who would rush into danger for a complete stranger.
Tonight, when the officer showed up, I was in my recording studio and wasn't sure that what I heard was pounding on my door. When I realized it was a human being, I ran downstairs and found the officer in my back yard.
I was wearing my old glasses so I couldn't read his badge.
He told me there was a suspect that they were seeking and that he was concerned that he fled into my backyard through an open gate or was hiding in my attic because my ex left the garage door open. He checked my attic (we are cleaning out the house so there are boxes and donations piled around the attic ladder, no one could have gotten up there easily).
I was grateful that the told me the gate and garage were open. I am also grateful because my ex is embarrassed that an officer of the law saw the weeds in the backyard of a property he owns. Guess who promised to get rid of them tomorrow morning? So, that is a nice development.
What struck me as odd was the fact the the neighbor's young children came over about the same time. I told them to go home and tell their father but the officer said that wasn't necessary as the children weren't in danger.
If there is a suspect on the loose, wouldn't the kids be better off at home? Hmmmm.....
the couple across the street and the lady two houses down left their garage doors open, the officer didn't visit them.
I called dispatch and they said they had one civil matter in my area pertaining to a BB gun but did not know about a suspect at large. The dispatcher thought that the officer was my PAR officer who wanted to warn me about leaving my garage door open. I can't complain about that- the Lord only knows what he may have prevented by getting me to shut the doors.
Still, the other people weren't warned.
The part of me that freaked out over the city cars in front of her house is wondering if this is connected to any pending litigation or political activity pertaining to people she knows. I doubt it but that thought will always be in the back of my mind until the legal issues are resolved and someone explains why the heck they did what they did.
I don't know how to take this. I received several documents to peruse from this attorney's office this morning and spent 8 hours cross referencing that data with other data the attorney's paralegal made me sign for a few years ago. I found lots and lots of problems and inconsistencies with the data.
And one lie pertaining to me. It was just one...and it was couched as an issue with memory, so I guess it's a legal game rather than a slap in the face. I can live with that.
I expect to be grilled as a witness for 8 hours next week by their lawyers and find the timing of the PD visit strange.
Again, the officer was polite and professional. It may be nothing. I may just be reacting to my past experience with a few unethical city employees and the stories of other people who have called me in recent months.
I have received a few phone calls pertaining to issues involving public safety. One person is claiming to have endured the same kinds of things I'm dealing with; I have not told anyone except close friends and family members about my experiences, so this person had no clue I would understand what (s)he was saying.
Perhaps I am having a reaction to the stories of these individuals.
I don't know.
I'm documenting it just in case something happens to me.
I don't feel safe here. Luckily, I have a plan for making sure this never happens to another soul again.
Pushing rule changes and playing politics takes my mind off of the threats. They best pray I never have a chance to go after them for harassment or that I'm too darn busy to start another political action committee. I've got an idea that would prevent rouge attorneys from stinking up the city for more than a few years at a whack. I'm pretty sure I can get enough funding to pull it off too.
Don't test my patience and tempt me to take this on by playing unfair legal games with me. That's how the current PAC came to be in the first place; I was trying to make sense of the darkness in that rabbit hole some city lawyer threw me in.
An illegal fine led to questions. Questions led to my being slandered. My being slandered made me question why and led to digging. What I found while digging disgusted me.
Stop the games now.
I'll win.
I think I may have PTSD. Upon seeing the police car in front of my house, I immediately went into trance actually felt a little freaked out and scared. All I could do is think about a phone call with a lawyer that took place three years ago, the one that started this whole mess I'm in. I also thought about the time I awoke to officers shining flashlights into my windows at 2:00 am, just hours after receiving a letter from the Colorado Supreme Court advising us to sue the abusive lawyer who called and threatened me.
Between the summer 2008 and the fall of 2010, it was not uncommon to see city cars sitting outside of my home. In 2010, I complained to a police dispatcher and to a lawmaker, it stopped almost overnight. The sight of the cars outside my home usually made me feel scared because they started shortly after the lawyer called me. With the exception of the time the paralegal harassed me to sign for documents, I never knew why they were there. The city cars creeped my daughter out so much, she moved out of the house.
I'm trying to document today's story, just in case it comes up again. The officer was very professional. I will assume that he was an officer because the car was a city car with peeling paint. All the city cars look like that now. I think it is part of the current lawmakers need to beg for more money by claiming poverty.
People generally like police officers and firefighters because they're the ones rushing into the burning buildings and other scary scenes that other people rush away from; if politicians cut the funding in public safety, people will usually pony up more dough.
As I told the firefighters last year, people will always take care of public servants who take care of them. Last year,people were wary of tax hikes, some cities voted in tax increases for fire departments. Tax restriction attempts failed, I believe, solely because people respect the firefighters and police officers.
Never, ever disrespect those people who would rush into danger for a complete stranger.
Tonight, when the officer showed up, I was in my recording studio and wasn't sure that what I heard was pounding on my door. When I realized it was a human being, I ran downstairs and found the officer in my back yard.
I was wearing my old glasses so I couldn't read his badge.
He told me there was a suspect that they were seeking and that he was concerned that he fled into my backyard through an open gate or was hiding in my attic because my ex left the garage door open. He checked my attic (we are cleaning out the house so there are boxes and donations piled around the attic ladder, no one could have gotten up there easily).
I was grateful that the told me the gate and garage were open. I am also grateful because my ex is embarrassed that an officer of the law saw the weeds in the backyard of a property he owns. Guess who promised to get rid of them tomorrow morning? So, that is a nice development.
What struck me as odd was the fact the the neighbor's young children came over about the same time. I told them to go home and tell their father but the officer said that wasn't necessary as the children weren't in danger.
If there is a suspect on the loose, wouldn't the kids be better off at home? Hmmmm.....
the couple across the street and the lady two houses down left their garage doors open, the officer didn't visit them.
I called dispatch and they said they had one civil matter in my area pertaining to a BB gun but did not know about a suspect at large. The dispatcher thought that the officer was my PAR officer who wanted to warn me about leaving my garage door open. I can't complain about that- the Lord only knows what he may have prevented by getting me to shut the doors.
Still, the other people weren't warned.
The part of me that freaked out over the city cars in front of her house is wondering if this is connected to any pending litigation or political activity pertaining to people she knows. I doubt it but that thought will always be in the back of my mind until the legal issues are resolved and someone explains why the heck they did what they did.
I don't know how to take this. I received several documents to peruse from this attorney's office this morning and spent 8 hours cross referencing that data with other data the attorney's paralegal made me sign for a few years ago. I found lots and lots of problems and inconsistencies with the data.
And one lie pertaining to me. It was just one...and it was couched as an issue with memory, so I guess it's a legal game rather than a slap in the face. I can live with that.
I expect to be grilled as a witness for 8 hours next week by their lawyers and find the timing of the PD visit strange.
Again, the officer was polite and professional. It may be nothing. I may just be reacting to my past experience with a few unethical city employees and the stories of other people who have called me in recent months.
I have received a few phone calls pertaining to issues involving public safety. One person is claiming to have endured the same kinds of things I'm dealing with; I have not told anyone except close friends and family members about my experiences, so this person had no clue I would understand what (s)he was saying.
Perhaps I am having a reaction to the stories of these individuals.
I don't know.
I'm documenting it just in case something happens to me.
I don't feel safe here. Luckily, I have a plan for making sure this never happens to another soul again.
Pushing rule changes and playing politics takes my mind off of the threats. They best pray I never have a chance to go after them for harassment or that I'm too darn busy to start another political action committee. I've got an idea that would prevent rouge attorneys from stinking up the city for more than a few years at a whack. I'm pretty sure I can get enough funding to pull it off too.
Don't test my patience and tempt me to take this on by playing unfair legal games with me. That's how the current PAC came to be in the first place; I was trying to make sense of the darkness in that rabbit hole some city lawyer threw me in.
An illegal fine led to questions. Questions led to my being slandered. My being slandered made me question why and led to digging. What I found while digging disgusted me.
Stop the games now.
I'll win.