Eureka! I've got it!
It is the world's best idea, or so it seems. You know how it goes, you have one hour of sleep, a very hectic day, and no coffee-pot in sight and you have what sounds like a bright idea....
but after seven hours slumber, you realize, it sucks.
The idea sprung from a conversation with my ex, who complained that I always made him "look like a buffoon." Well, to tell the truth, I never tried to make him look like a buffoon. Some people seem to naturally take on that aura when they're being crass.
Some people think that they deserve the sun, the moon, and the stars. This tends to piss a lot of people off, especially when that someone starts poking fun at innocent people who tell him that it isn't a planet that needs brought down to earth - it is some crass idiot's sense of self-entitlement that needs to do a face plant in the dirt.
Back in the day, when he'd stick his feet in his mouth, I would tell everyone that he was joking and find some way to make it funny. People would laugh and walk away amused.
I wondered - could this help put a sunny facade on the idiocy that is local politics?
Then it hit me....we need an Extremist City Comedy Troupe! Yes, we do. Laughter always makes the bitter pills go down faster. If the City Council members vote for something absolutely horrid and they get blamed by the citizens who have to pay for their mistake, they can say they were just joking or distracted or something....yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!!
For example, if the City Attorney who lied about me added just a touch of unbelievable fiction to an employee's lie, he can say that he didn't mean it - he was just telling a joke. People forgive jokes much faster than they forgive lies and all out deceit.
Now, it is said that 30% of any given population will always trust the powers that be and pass every single tax increase asked of them. Another 30% will never trust the powers that be and always vote against every tax increase. The other 40% will have to weigh the information carefully before casting a vote. Educating the public reaches those skeptical people who want more information. I've heard people like myself called "extremist" for wanting to know more.
Well, the truth of the matter is that the real extremists never want to educate the public. They want everyone to trust everything they say. Forty percent of us cannot trust without an honest explanation. To call us "extremist" is an insult. We may just be questioning our elected officials enough to get them to think about why they shouldn't trust the lobbyists' every word.
Perhaps we can start a group of actors and comedians from the 70% of the population of our citizens who don't trust everything they see or hear at first blush. We could go to every city council meeting with an agenda of our own.
We can hire a ton of strippers to fill the front roll of every city council meeting. Then our political overlords can claim distraction if they realize they screwed up.
We could dress up as villainous Svengalies and twirl hypnowheels around - if they screw up - well, the council members could claim they were hypnotized.
We could dress up a witch doctors or, better yet, voodoo dolls and let people pin their gripes about the city on our clothes. If something goes wrong, they could claim bewitchment.
What do ya think? wouldn't work. I know. Some people have behind the scenes help when it comes to looking stupid. My ex became incredibly crass when he let his lawyer do the talking. They both left the courthouse looking like dishonest buffoons.
The city council stole money from the libraries to fund their pet projects. They asked for more money (supposedly for the libraries) but wanted to use it to fund the police department. Their tax hike proposal lost because of the novel way in which it was written (raise taxes with inflation) and the crass attitudes among city supporters that ridiculed people for asking real questions and bringing up real concerns. Maybe, the lawyers need to be more honest and open with the people to prevent their bosses from looking like buffoons. Our elected officials don't need any help looking a tad bit untrustworthy.
Trust begins with honesty.
Hiding information breeds distrust.
So does badmouthing groups of people within earshot of people prone to talking about it.
Think about it.

I'm pretending to be everything the gossips in my life say I am in the hopes that I can create some kind of believable fictional character. The things I write about are based on the gossip and some of my life experiences. After five years, the only thing I've learned from this experience is that I can be quite the Trickster....thus the name of the blog. Love ya!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Chumming the Water
I cast a line into the ocean,
full of juicy fictional scrumptious worms,
and am sitting back laughing, just waiting for the sharks to reveal themselves.
This is going to be sooooo much fun!
Gossips hell bent on vengence.....well, they can't help it.....
I guarantee that these sharks won't resist the temptation to be bad; this will be very, very good.
I'll explain later,
full of juicy fictional scrumptious worms,
and am sitting back laughing, just waiting for the sharks to reveal themselves.
This is going to be sooooo much fun!
Gossips hell bent on vengence.....well, they can't help it.....
I guarantee that these sharks won't resist the temptation to be bad; this will be very, very good.
I'll explain later,